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8. Export Data

There are two kinds of export data, awFEM Archive (awa) formatted binary file and text file. An awa file attached to a mail can be imported into awFEM by tapping it in the mail app. Text file cannot be imported although it can be export.

The structure of awa file is private.

The structure of exported text file is described in this chapter.

Please purchase "Restriction Release" to activate the export/import functions.

8.1 Format


The text file is encoded by UTF8 unicode.

Separation of data

Space or line break characters are recognized as the separator of data. Spaces in a string enclosed by " are handled as characters.

One line is handled as one record.


A string from # character to the line end is handled as a comment.


A line with @ character at the head means the start or end of a block.

A block begins from a block header with @ character and the block name.

exp) @node #start of node block

@end means the end of block.

Block can be nested. There is also the case that there is more than one the same kind block in a file.

Location of Data

Depending on the kind of block, Data is placed directly in each row or is placed with pair of key and value. In the former case, the data location(row, column) is very important. For example, in node block, the row count means node index number, and the column count means X or Y direction. In the latter case, there are no meanings of the order of data location.

exp) Record Block
  @node #begin of node block
   0 0  # X and Y coordinate of node 0
   1 0  # X and Y coordinate of node 1
   1 1  # X and Y coordinate of node 2
   0 1  # X and Y coordinate of node 3
  @end #end of block

exp) Key-Value Block
  @property #begn of property block
   plane_strain true #plane strain problem or not?
   young 210000 #Young's modulus
   poisson 0.3  #Poisson's ratio
   thickness 1  #thickness of material
  @end #end of block

8.2 Mesh Data

Mesh data is described in a mesh block, it has a node block and a triangle block.

Node Block

A node block begins from @node and ends at @end. Each node's X and Y coordinate values are placed in a row of the block body. The index number of node is equal to the row index in the block. The first number is zero.

There are only one node block in a file.

Triangle Block

Only triangle element is available as FEM element in awFEM. These elements are described in a triangle block. Each row in the body of triangle block has a definition of a element. Three vertexes of a triangle are placed in counterclockwise rotation. The index number of element is equal to the row index in the block. The first number is zero.

There are only one triangle block in a file.

exp) trinagle block
   0 1 2 #node indexes of element 0
   2 3 0 #node indexes of element 1

8.3 Condition Data

Condition data is described in a condition block. It can have property block, fix block, cload block and bload block.

Property Block

A property block stores an analysis type and material properties in key-value format. As key, there are "plane_strain", "young", "poisson" and "thickness".

There are only one node block in a file.

Fix Block

Fix block specifies constraint conditiions. There can be more than one fix block in a file. There are no fix blocks when constraint condition does not exist.

"name", "fg_dir" and "value" are described in key-value format after fix block header. After these rows, a nid block is laid.

   name "fix1"
   fg_dir true true
   value 0 0
  @end #end of nid
  @end #end of fix

Cload Block

Concentrated load conditions are defined in cload blocks. There can be more than one cload block in a file. There are no cload blocks when concenration load condition does not exist.

"name" and "value" are described in key-value format after cload block header. After these rows, a nid block is laid.

   name "cload1"
   value 1 2

Bload Block

Distributed load conditions on boundary of element are defined in bload blocks. There can be more than one bload block in a file. There are no bload blocks when distributed load condition does not exist.

"name", "type" and "value" are described in key-value format after bload block header. After these rows, a edge block is laid.

   name "bload1"
   type pressure
   value 1 0
   0 1
   1 2
  @end #end of edge
  @end #end of bload
