AID Collaborators

Justin Berti / Model

(ENGLISH follows Japanese)
モデルのジャスティンは、特技のヨガを生かして、4つのボランティアグループへの寄付金を集めるチャリティ・ヨガ・イベントを2014年に開催。そのひとつ、「YOGA RAVE」というイベントで、当時IMAという国際団体のプロジェクトだったAIDを通してアグリドッグレスキューに寄付をしてくれました。

この世界は人間に占拠されてて、自分たちの面倒もよく見れてるかどうかわからない状態だよね。 そんな中で、量産されたペットを買うより、里親会やシェルターから犬や猫人るって、とても意味のあることだと思うんだ。


ジャスティンの里親会支援イベント / YOGA RAVE
ジャスティンのお仕事 / レノボのCM

(Photo above and Janpanese translation / Yasay Kemonogi)

Justin Berti (model/actor) did charity event "YOGA RAVE" for AID and Aguri dog rescue 2014....

That was a great event and very happy we could support AID.
I do not know much about how animal shelters work in Japan. But I know this world is over crowded with people and we don't even take care of each other very well, so instead of having breeders produce more dogs I think it would make sense to adopt dogs who need a home.

I can understand how humans want their own child and see it grow from an infant to an adult but a dog or cat is not come from us, so just because we don't get it as a puppy I still think these animals are truly grateful for the love we give them.

I am now staying with Aunt and Uncle who have both a dog and cat from shelters and these animals are awesome. Extremely loyal and well behaved and never stop wanting more attention.


YOGA RAVE for AID and ADR 2014
Justin's work

Update / Feb.17.2015

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