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 さて、その本のタイトルは、その名も忌まわしきthe Book of Drastic Resolutions。耳の広い方ならご存じかとは思いますが、制作者はあのStephen Martin。Stephenといえば、近年のRQサプリのほとんどを手がけている人物。また、執筆陣にはGreg StaffordやSandy Petersenといったお馴染みの面々も名を連ねていて、創りも丁寧できれいだし、ほとんどオフィシャルといってもいいくらいの出来なんですよね。StephenもDorastorやLords of Terrorの追補版だといっていますし。

1996/12/29 まさみ☆ほへー

Steve's Message to Japanese RQers
Thank you all for buying my fanzine, The Book of Drastic Resolutions. I
have been a bit surprised at how successful it has been. I plan to
continue to publish it, about once per year. The next volume will
concentrate on Prax, and should be available in July of 1997. After that,
I have planned a book of troll and darkness material, scheduled for
release in January 1998.

I have played RuneQuest for many years, and have been fanatic for
Glorantha for at least the last ten. I have been lucky enough to be in
the right place at the right time, and so I have contributed to a number
of publications in the last few years, including Sun County, River of
Cradles, Shadows on the Borderlands, and Dorastor: Land of Doom. I was
the Designer, Developer, and Co-Author of Lords of Terror, of which this
volume of The Book of Drastic Resolutions is a supplement. I have also
contributed to Greg Stafford's works King of Sartar, The Glorious
ReAscent of Yelm, The Fortunate Succession, and The Entekosiad. I rewrote
the game Nomad Gods for the French company Oriflam.

Most of this work has been done for free, out of love of Glorantha and
RuneQuest. This book you have just bought is only the most recent
expression of this love and interest, and I can assure you it won't be
the last!

Although RuneQuest appears to be dying very rapidly now, the future of
Glorantha holds more promise. The Chaosium plans to publish a new
Gloranthan game in the next year or two, as well as lines of Gloranthan
fiction and sourcebooks. I don't know if any of this will actually
happen, though I hope it will. But it is the efforts of people like me,
and people like you, who will make it possible.

Stephen Martin
