
Google Patents Coverage

Google Patents Coverage

Google Patents includes over 120 million patent publications from 100+ patent offices around the world, as well as many more technical documents and books indexed in Google Scholar and Google Books, and documents from the Prior Art Archive.

We currently index full-text documents from the following patent offices:

United States, Europe, Japan, China, South Korea, WIPO, Russia, Germany, The United Kingdom, Canada, France, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Austria, Australia, Brazil, Switzerland, Taiwan

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[注意] 近接演算(NEAR、ADJ、WITH、SAME)は、ヒット数を少なくするのではなく、SORTがRelevance時に、ランキングで上位に表示させる機能です。

[注意] 表示結果総数が301件以上はwebで査読ができず(次公報への矢印が出ない)、csvのダウンロードで後のダウンロードが不完全になります。

Lens.Org Patents Coverage

Lens.Org Coverage

Counts are approximate.
Last Updated: Aug 7, 2019
Check out the latest stats on the Lens patent data (coverage, date range, and various accessible metadata). Updates are performed on a 3-4 week basis at the present time.

Counts are approximate.
117.2M Patent Records
105 Jurisdictions
64M Patent Families
3.9M resolved scholarly citations
313M resolved biological sequences

Further breakdown of 115M patent records:
The European Patent Office’s DocDB bibliographic data from 1907 - present: 81+ Million documents from nearly 100 jurisdictions.
USPTO Applications from 2001 – present with full text and images.
USPTO Grants from 1976 – present with full text and images.
USPTO Assignments (14+ Million).
European Patent Office (EP) Grants from 1980 – present with full text and images.
WIPO PCT Applications from 1978 – present with full text and images.
Australian Patent Full Text from IP Australia

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Espacenet Patents Coverage

Espacenet Patents Coverage

Latest bibliographic coverage
Snapshot date: 21.8.2019
Total count: 115.015.906

Latest full-text coverage
Snapshot date: 21.8.2019
Total count: 90.652.022